
Monday, October 1, 2012

Challenge #13

Holy smokes!
It's October?  Halloween is right around the corner and I really need to start working on my kids costumes.  This may seem like a crazy question, but do other countries celebrate Halloween?  Or is it just in the U.S.?
The leaves are beginning to change colors here and that is the official start of Fall, at least in my eyes.  When I lived further south, the colors of the leaves were not so magnificent as they are in Michigan.  I can look out my back deck and see the colors change right in my back yard.  It is fabulous!  Fall truely is my favorite season.  What about you?  Do you have a favorite season?

This color combination really stuck me as Fall colors even though they don't have the oranges and reds that the traditional colors would.  Maybe it's the charred corn in the inspiration picture?

charred hues
Be sure to check out the fabulous creations of our Design Team!  They probably have some detailed pictures of their work along with some interesting tips on how to recreate some great features.  This is our last month of our 1st term.  A lot of our DT members are returning, but a few we are saying good-bye to, so be sure to give them all some love!

Stephanie Stanton

The prize this month is another mystery bag!  We had lots of excitement over the last mystery bag, so we thought we would put together another exciting bag of goodies.  Don't you just love getting things in the mail?  I know that I do!

What's in the bag, you ask?  A little of this and a little of that and a lot of inspiration!

The deadline for Challenge #13 is
October 14, 2012 at 11:59 PM EST.


  1. Hi girls!!!
    I loved the new colors of the challenge, you are always different, it's really cool, here in Brazil we do not have this event, but is now gradually entering celebrate this date, we are entering the spring!
    I love autumn is my favorite season!
    Thanks to all Dts, loved playing with you girls!

  2. I LOVE these colors, unique for fall...great inspiration from the team too!
