
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Challenge #31

Oh ... I'm sooooo ready for winter to be over.  Here in Michigan we've been freezing lately ... although we've had some sunny days (which is really rare!) and that has helped my mood and motivation immensely!   Do you remember when I told you about how Lisa and I were doing a '100 pages before buying' challenge?  Well I'm pleased to say that I'm up to 71 pages and Lisa is right on my heels at 68!  Our goal is to be finished by the time the Mega Meet happens (Mother's Day Weekend) and I think we'll have no problems meeting that deadline!  

This will be the last reveal for a few of our Design Team members ... we have loved having each and every one of them.  They all have a unique style and have brought so much diversity to Color Me Scrappy .. I hope you'll take the time to stop by their blogs and wish them well ... 

Time to talk prizes again! 

Let's not forget that our Februrary sponsor is The Beary Scrap!  Be sure to check out or sponsor's page to help show our support.  They have the latest and greatest supplies on the market, not to mention some fabulous sales going on right now!
Hint hint:  Check out their Washi Tape section!!

The Beary Scrap has generously given a $20 GC to their store!!!

The Twist:  Use LOTS of layers on your page!


  1. I am not a purple girl but I loved the inspiration so gave it a go :0)

  2. Just wonderful colors! Such an amazing job, design team!
